
Swan Valley Community Foundation presented the First Annual Youth Outdoor Education Rendezvous on June 15th. What a day, what an event! With big smiles and rapt attention, children and parents experienced hands on learning about ten outdoor skills. This was in spite of inclement weather, rain, wind and temperatures so cold the snow line dropped to about five thousand feet on the Swan Mountains… See 2024 Youth for more information.

The Foundation awards two $1500 2024 Scholarships to Jalen Kauffman and Cadence Mauldin, graduating high school seniors at the June 25th Community Celebration.

2024 2024 Community Grants applications are available and the submission deadline extended to Jun 14th. They are awarded at the June Community Celebration.

The Foundation is developing a comprehensive 2024 Service Directory for Seniors in the Swan Valley – A Review Draft will be available at the June Community Celebration.

The Foundation is awarding 2024 Community Service Awards.

The Foundation hosts the Second Annual 2024 Community Celebration at the Hungry Bear June 25th, 2024.

The Foundation is holding its first annual 2024 auction as part of the community celebration.

See How can you help support the Foundation:

2023 Accomplishments

See 2011 – 2022 History